Rushoe Coating Resources


    Firerated Ductwork Coating

    Firerated Ductwork Coating
        The Building Regulations require that new buildings must be divided into fire compartments in order that the spread of fire in the building is inhibited, from one compartment to another. There are three methods of fire protection related to ductwork laid in the UK standard BS 5588 Part 9, which are fire dampers, builders work shaft, and fire rated ductwork system. Fire rated ductwork system is used when the use of the other two methods is not allowed and/ or not possible.
    Flamebar BW11 is a coating that is sprayed onto the galvanized steel ductwork manufactured to the HVCA or SMACNA standard. FLAMEBAR BW11 is a specially formulated water based ablative coating which contains mineral fillers in elastomeric binder, and it is sprayed to a thickness of approximately 1mm to a finished product. FLAMEBAR BW11 ductwork has been successfully tested for Stability, Integrity, and Insulation in accordance to BS 476 Part 24 and ISO 6944 for both type A (outside) and type B (inside) fires for up to 4 hours.    
    Firerated Ductwork Coating